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Sharing is Mindset

Our modern socie­ty is aimed towards per­so­nal pro­per­ty and world­ly pos­ses­si­ons. The idea the­re often are fee­lings of pres­ti­ge and self-worth. But socie­ties chan­ge and so do their stan­dards. Pro­per­ty alo­ne does­n’t give peo­p­le wings. Ima­gi­ne see­ing things as a con­nec­tion to other peo­p­le! Ima­gi­ne to sim­ply enjoy more! We are at the thres­hold from the I‑feeling to the us-fee­ling and are redis­co­ve­ring our­sel­ves as indi­vi­du­als at the same time. Sha­ring helps us to defi­ne this change.

Sharing is beneficial

The chan­ge from pro­per­ty to bene­fit requi­res a deeper under­stan­ding of what is bene­fi­ci­al.  How often do we only have things just to own them? That alo­ne often twists the rela­ti­on. Our things begin to own us, beco­ming more of a bur­den. Pure pos­ses­si­on is rigid. True bene­fit is dyna­mic, though, and lets us redis­co­ver the true value of things. Sha­ring empha­si­zes the joy of using some­thing and frees us from the bur­den of rigid possession.

Sharing is community

Com­mu­ni­ty is a basic human need. It secu­res our con­tin­ued exis­tence and qua­li­ty of living. Today’s socie­ty of con­sump­ti­on often pushes back the value of com­mu­ni­ty. Through sha­ring, we learn again to coope­ra­te and act in each others best inte­rest. While doing so, we abso­lut­e­ly can choo­se our own com­mu­ni­ty and shape it accor­ding to our wis­hes and needs. That’s how sha­ring brings us clo­ser tog­e­ther again.

Sharing is quality

Through today’s com­mon accu­mu­la­ti­on of pro­per­ty, qua­li­ty is often a secon­da­ry con­cern. Sha­ring can be a way out of the need to con­su­me end­less­ly. If we share our pos­ses­si­ons with others, not ever­yo­ne has to buy everything.

That way, each of us can focus on a few items of high qua­li­ty that we use tog­e­ther, thus saving money and pre­cious time. The result: our per­so­nal qua­li­ty of living increa­ses as well.

Sharing is consideration

The con­sump­ti­on of resour­ces is one of the big­gest pro­blems cau­sed by humans on Earth. And its just get­ting worse. Often, it’s not even about what we need for living. We con­su­me, becau­se we’­re used to our sys­tems working that way. Through sha­ring, we can deve­lop a more careful use of resour­ces. That means more con­side­ra­ti­on for our eco­sys­tem, socie­ty and ourselves.

Sharing is freedom

Pos­ses­si­on means respon­si­bi­li­ty. Thus, we con­stant­ly invest time, money and ener­gy, sacri­fi­ci­ng free­dom and effort­less­ness. I still have to main­tain a bike I don’t use. If a gar­den starts to demand too much work and effort, it stops being joyful and beg­ins to be a cho­re. But it does­n’t have to be this way: sha­ring divi­des the bur­den of taking care and main­tai­ning on seve­ral should­ers. Free­dom returns. Effort­less­ness is pre­sent again.